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Removal of odors will depend upon what is producing them and under what conditions they can be treated. Odors are most commonly caused by spills. Spilled material produces an odor or one develops from the bacteria, which is producing decay on it. If this material has not penetrated deeply into the fiber, and thorough washing methods can be used, complete removal can be expected. However, the deeper it penetrates into the fiber, the more difficult it will become to completely remove and, when limited amounts of solution must be used, only a very small proportion of the odor can be eliminated.
It is almost impossible to satisfactorily remove an odor-producing stain from the backing fibers of wall-to-wall carpeting.
Odors produced from materials such as animal waste are almost impossible to get rid of completely, at times, and the most practical way is to replace the effected part of the carpet with a new piece. Some odors, such as those produced by mildew, although removed, will recur with new mildew growth.
Dog may be man’s best friend but not necessarily that of man’s carpeting. Neglected animal stains have been a problem ever since the first “accident.”
Two types of reactions can take place between the chemicals in the urine and those in the fiber dye. Some dyes change color as soon as urine comes in contact with them. Often original color can be restored by immediate addition of a weak solution of ammonia or white vinegar. Pick an inconspicuous area of the carpet and test small amounts of solution to determine the solutions effect on the carpet fiber and dye.
The other change develops slowly over a period of several months and results in permanent change in fiber dye. Not only is there a dye change but some fibers become weakened or destroyed. After cleaning, these areas are more obvious because the soil that hid the true color has been removed.
The next time you are confronted with the animal “accident,” immediately absorb as much liquid as possible. Wash the area with a solution of one teaspoon of neutral detergent (contains no bleach) to one cup of lukewarm water. Absorb into white toweling. Add white vinegar solution (one part white vinegar to two parts water). Absorb as dry as possible. Place a 1/2-inch layer of white absorbent material over area and weight down. Allow to dry for about six hours.
If immediate action is taken to remove the stain in this manner, no change in color should occur and that forgotten “accident” will not become apparent after your carpet has been professionally cleaned.
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Dunne Cleaning Specialists Inc.
3050 S. 25th Ave
Broadview - IL - 60155