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How fresh does your Upholstery smell?

When was the last time you cleaned your upholstery. That sofa you sit on and watch television, how fresh is it? You work all day and then sit down in your favorite spot. Your cloths have sweat on them. The sweat transfers to the sofa or chair. After a time your furniture isn’t so fresh anymore. The holidays are fast approaching don’t you want your furniture to be at it’s best and smell great. You might not be able to smell your furniture but your guests will.

Upholstery should be cleaned every year and at least every 24 months according to manufacturers. We have more contact with our furniture than we have with our rugs and carpeting. Yet most people never clean their upholstery, ever. Upholstery can become dingy and wear out prematurely without proper maintenance. Get your furniture cleaned professionally every 12 to 24 months.

Choose Dunne Cleaning Specialists for all your cleaning needs.
Contact us at 866-674-7790. Want us to contact you? Click here.

For more information on upholstery cleaning click here.

Clean for Health - Clean for those most important to you.

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