You will remember our quality long after the price is forgotten 866-674-7790

Don't let man's best friend accident on your favorite rug ruin your day - we can help

Animals can be hard to love from time to time. Rugs that have had man's best friend have an accident on them can need special attention. Dunne Cleaning has a soaking process to help allevaite odor problems. We put each and every rug through a rug dusting process, which is a thorough dry soil removal process. Rugs are thoroughly rinsed to begin with the flush as much of the urine out as possible. Then the rugs are soaked in an odor absorbing solution, designed to break down the urine crystals. Rugs are then rinsed again. After the second rinsing we then shampoo both sides of your rugs with a deodorizing shampoo. Clean and rinse the rug a third time. Rugs are then hung to dry.

After the rug is dry it is inspected again. If it needs more cleaning we do it. If not the rug is taken down, rolled and wrapped up in brown paper.
Call today 708-345-0922 for a free estimate. Sales are occurring right now see our offers!

For more information about our rug cleaning services click here.

Celebrating our 50th year in business - family owned and operated since 1969

hanging rugs

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