You will remember our quality long after the price is forgotten 866-674-7790

Furniture Cleaning on Sale 15% off!

Furniture Cleaning on Sale 15% off! Call today 866-674-7790. Our fine upholstery investments need maintenance to look their best, to be their cleanest and healthiest. New furniture isn't cheap so it's a great idea to clean your furniture on an annual basis and now is a great time to get you upholstery cleaned when our biggest sale of the year is going on. Don't wait call today 408-345-0922!

Dunne Cleaning Specialist is family owned and operated since 1969 by 3 generations of family. We look forward to hearing from you and getting your furniture looking like new again. We have many methods available for furniture cleaning. No worries that it's cold out we will keep the doors closed and the heat in. We use portables for all our furniture cleaning. We tailor the soap and the process to the type of fabric your furniture is made of.

We will give you a great job and treat your home like our own. Our family members are well trained and are very experienced. Give us a call and leave the cleaning to us

For our contact info click here

For more information on our furniture cleaning services click here

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How is your furniture looking? Has is lost its luster and fresh scent?

How is your furniture looking? Has it lost its luster and fresh scent? Dunne Cleaning can help by cleaning and freshening your upholstery up. Just give us a call 708-345-0922. Over time your sofa can have a less than fresh smell. You barely notice but your guest WILL notice. Dunne Cleaning Specialists is just a phone call away. What are you waiting for? Furniture cleaning on sale now.

Dunne Cleaning Specialists is family owned and operated since 1969. We have 55 years of experience and are proud of it. We are family run in every phase. We know we are better because we care. We are the only company that specializes in furniture and upholstery cleaning in the area. We are the go to company. Give us a call and I know you won't turn back.

At the end of the day cleaners are really problem solvers. Your furniture isn't as fresh as you would like we can help. Furniture looking dingy we can help. With experience we have seen it all and have fixed issues that other companies have never heard of or seen. We will earn your trust through our quality of work and commitment to service. We want you to like our work so much that you will recommend us to your many friends and acquaintances.
Call today for a free estimate 708-345-0922.

For our contact information click here

For more information about our furniture and upholstery cleaning click here

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Christmas is approaching how does your furniture look? How does your upolstery smell?

With company coming how does the furniture your company will be sitting on look? How does the upholstery smell? When was the last time you cleaned your upholstery? We live such busy lives and sometimes forget to take a look around. If you took a look around what would you see? Dunne Cleaning is family owned and operated by 3 generations since 1969. We have developed methods of cleaning for over 50 years. Call us today for a free estimate 708-345-0922.

Most companies just put an attachment on their carpet cleaning attachment. They also use the same soap to clean your furniture and carpeting. We like to specialize in furniture cleaning. We will give your furniture the care it needs. After over 50 years we know what we are doing. We have a number methods to give your furniture the best possible job.

Call today to get a free estimate 708-345-0922.

For more information on our furniture cleaning methods click here.


How often should I get my furniture cleaned

How often should I get my furniture cleaned? Furniture is some of the most neglected of things we have in the cleaning process. When was the last time you cleaned your furniture? You sit on your furniture more than you lay on your carpeting or rugs. Why don’t you have your furniture rinsed? You are sweating through your clothes. The salts from your body sweats can and will damage your furniture. These salts can fade and damage your furnitures fibers.

How clean is your furniture really. Did your furniture slowly change color over time and you didn’t even notice it? I recommend you take a vacuum attachment, without a beater bar, and place a white cotton towel on it and vacuum your furniture. You may find that the towel comes back dirty. You and your children are sitting and laying in dirt.

Furniture should be cleaned on an annual basis. There is no reason to lay in dirt. All you have to do to avoid this is to clean your furniture more often. Waiting until something is appreciably soiled is not the healthiest thing to do. So your furniture is so full of dirt the fibers are bursting at the seams so now you choose to clean the furniture? Remember clean for health and appearance. Cleaning for health means cleaning annually.

To find out more about our upholstery cleaning services
click here.

When was the last time you cleaned your furniture? call now - click here for contact info.


Furniture Cleaning

How often should I clean my furniture?

There is no substitute for regular maintenance for extending the service life of your furniture investment. We sit on furniture and perspire through our clothing. Perspiration can deposit salts which can weaken fiber and may cause thinning or tearing of fabric, cause dyes to fade. If you wait until the furniture is dirty the chances of success can be limited. These problems cannot be corrected but cleaning on a regular basis can prevent them. Clean for appearance and health.

For more information about furniture cleaning click here.

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