You will remember our quality long after the price is forgotten 866-674-7790

Looking at your furniture is it time to freshen it up?

Looking at your furniture is it time to freshen it up? Sometimes we work and come home and lose site of our surroundings. So let's take a look around at our favorite room in the house which also has our most popular piece of furniture in it. Now at my home I had no choice to look over my furniture because one of my furry friends stepped in something outside and tracked it onto my sofa. So the time to clean was upon us. Furniture needs to be freshened up on an annual basis. Call for a free estimate 866-674-7790.

Why choose Dunne Cleaning Specialists? We are family owned and operated by three generations since 1969. Dunne Cleaning is also one of the most recommended companies in the western suburbs. We do very little advertising for new work. We secure all our new work through referrals. You can count on us to do the job right. We give free in home estimates and deliver great customer service.
Call today 866-674-7790.

We look forward to hearing from you and showing you what great customer service and quality cleaning looks like!

For our contact info click here

For more information on our furniture cleaning click here


How often should you clean your furniture?

How often should you clean your furniture? One rule of thumb I try to use is how often are you using the furniture? If this is in your family room where you watch television then once a year. If your upholstery is in less used areas then every other year is a good frequency. Keeping up with maintenance of your upholstery investment can keep your furniture looking its best. Why replace prematurely when you can maintain? Call today for a free in home estimate 866-674-7790.

We have been cleaning furniture since 1969. We are family owned and operated by 3 generations of family. Cleaning is in our blood and we have the experience and systems to have your upholstery at its cleanest and healthiest. Don't you miss the fresh clean smell you had before? We can help you get it back. Dunne Cleaning Specialists knows furniture cleaning,
give us a call 866-674-7790.

Dunne Cleaning believes in doing the best in cleaning and delivering superior customer service. We won't disappoint you. Many of our customers have used us for generations. We look forward to working with you.
Click here for some of our testimonials.

For our contact info click here

For more information on our furniture cleaning services click here

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Get your sectional sofa cleaned now and save 15%

Get your sectional sofa cleaned now and save 15%. Dunne Cleaning Specialists is having our biggest sales of the year so nows the time to take advantage of our discounts. Now is a great time to get cleaned up after the holidays and save. How is your favorite sofa looking? How about that chair you sit in to watch television? We can help. Cleaning and rinsing is the best way to brighten up your fabric and get it smelling fresh again. Call today 708-345-0922.

Dunne Cleaning Specializes in furniture cleaning. What does that mean? We have separate equipment just for furniture cleaning. We tailor the soaps and the methods for each individual fabric. We will use tarps to protect your floors. We are family owned and operated by 3 generations of family since 1969. We will give you a great job and our family members will be on site to give you your cleaning.
Call today 708-345-0922.

For our contact info click here

For more information on our furniture cleaning services click here


Furniture Cleaning on Sale 15% off!

Furniture Cleaning on Sale 15% off! Call today 866-674-7790. Our fine upholstery investments need maintenance to look their best, to be their cleanest and healthiest. New furniture isn't cheap so it's a great idea to clean your furniture on an annual basis and now is a great time to get you upholstery cleaned when our biggest sale of the year is going on. Don't wait call today 408-345-0922!

Dunne Cleaning Specialist is family owned and operated since 1969 by 3 generations of family. We look forward to hearing from you and getting your furniture looking like new again. We have many methods available for furniture cleaning. No worries that it's cold out we will keep the doors closed and the heat in. We use portables for all our furniture cleaning. We tailor the soap and the process to the type of fabric your furniture is made of.

We will give you a great job and treat your home like our own. Our family members are well trained and are very experienced. Give us a call and leave the cleaning to us

For our contact info click here

For more information on our furniture cleaning services click here

2015-02-04 14.51.512015-02-04 14.55.242015-02-04 15.05.24

Windows and doors are closed how healthy is your home? When did you last get your furniture cleaned and rinsed?

Windows and doors are closed how healthy is your home? When did you last get your furniture cleaned and rinsed? Healthy homes have the things in it that we touch the most cleaned. Call today for a free estimate 866-674-7790. Our families lay all over our furniture. We take naps on it. We sweat on it. Our pets sleep on our furniture and also drool on it. When was the last time you had your furniture professionally cleaned?

Dunne Cleaning Specialists has over 56 years of experience. We are one of the most respected names in the cleaning industry. We are family owned and operated by 3 generations of family. We clean and rinse furniture using multiple methods that are tailored to your fabric. We have machines and soaps that we match with your furniture to achieve superior results. Most companies have a one size fits all method, not us. This is why we are so highly recommended.

Call us for a free estimate 866-674-7790. We can come out look over your furniture and give you a price no charge, no pressure. We believe in what we do and have cleaned for multiple generations of our customers. We want to work for you!

For our contact information click here

For more information on our furniture cleaning services click here

John steaming furn


Fall sales going on right now for furniture cleaning!

Fall sales going on right now for furniture cleaning! Call today for a free estimate 708-345-0922. We can get your furniture looking and smelling fresh and clean again! Dunne Cleaning specializes in furniture cleaning. Most companies view furniture cleaning as a side hustle. We view it as one of our prime focuses. We have machines and soaps dedicated to furniture cleaning. We don't put an attachment on a machine we use for carpet cleaning. We tailor our soaps for your fabric.

Dunne Cleaning Specialists is a 55 year old company that is run by 3 generations of family. We are specialists at pleasing our customers. We have worked for multiple generations of our customers and are one of the most recommended companies in the western suburbs of Chicago.

Call today to schedule your next cleaning with us. You won't be disappointed. Furniture cleaning is on sale right now. Call 708-345-0922 before the sale ends!

For our contact information click here.

For more information on our furniture cleaning services click here.


Don't let your furniture ugly out

Summer is over and as the kids head back to school how much of a beating has your furniture taken? It's great to have everyone home for the summer but all those extra hours on the furniture add up. To prevent your furniture from uglying out get your furniture investment cleaned on a regular basis. Call today 708-345-0922.

Dunne Cleaning Specialists is the only company in the western suburbs of Chicago that specializes in furniture cleaning. Other companies put an attachment on their carpet cleaning machine and clean your furniture with the same soap as they do with your carpeting. Wee use different soaps based on your fabric. The machine is designed specifically for furniture cleaning. That's why we can give you a better job.

We are owned and operated since 1969 by 3 generations of family.
Call today for a free estimate 708-345-0922. We will give you the best job possible. We are one of the most recommended company in the western suburbs. We will treat you and your home right.

For more information on our furniture services.

For our contact info.


Back to school Furniture cleaning sale! Save 10%!

When was the last time you cleaned your furniture? Furniture needs to be cleaned regularly. Especially the furniture in your TV room. You sit and sweat on this furniture for potentially hours. The sweat leaks from your clothes onto your furniture investment. Furniture isn't cheap. The salts from your sweat can break down the fiber and wear it out prematurely. Cleaning can help extend the life of your furniture.

Dunne Cleaning Specialists is family owned and operated since 1969 by 3 generations of family. We believe in giving high quality work and great customer service. With over 55 years of experience we are experts at pleasing our customers
call today 708-345-0922.

We are ready to help you with your furniture today and with our over 55 years of experience we know we can. We are just a phone call away and we give free in home estimates. We deliver the same quality we have on day 1 and have continued for over 55 years.

For more information on our furniture cleaning click here.

For our contact info click here.

family laying sofa

Summer Sale on furniture and upholstery cleaning! Save 10%

Call 708-345-0922 and save 10% on furniture and upholstery cleaning. Summer sale! With over 50 years of experience will leave your furniture clean and healthy. We want to give you the cleanest and healthiest home. You spend more time sitting on your furniture than anything else in your home. Got pets? They spend a good part of the day on your furniture when you are home. If you don't allow your pets on the furniture then they spend the part of the day when you're not home on the furniture.

You should clean your family room furniture or whatever furniture is in your family gathering room is once a year. It's important to keep the furniture you're using on a regular basis smelling fresh and clean. You might not even notice when the freshness has left your furniture but your guests will. A cleaning and rinsing of the fabric will brighten the colors and restore the fresh clean look your missing and give you that healthy clean smell back again.

We believe in superior customer service and high quality work. With family members in charge of the cleaning you can't go wrong with us. We back up our work and with over 55 years of experience we have the know how to give you the best results the first time. We give free in home estimates and are a no surprises company.
Call today for the cleanest furniture 708-345-0922.

For more information on our furniture cleaning services click here.


How is your furniture looking? Has is lost its luster and fresh scent?

How is your furniture looking? Has it lost its luster and fresh scent? Dunne Cleaning can help by cleaning and freshening your upholstery up. Just give us a call 708-345-0922. Over time your sofa can have a less than fresh smell. You barely notice but your guest WILL notice. Dunne Cleaning Specialists is just a phone call away. What are you waiting for? Furniture cleaning on sale now.

Dunne Cleaning Specialists is family owned and operated since 1969. We have 55 years of experience and are proud of it. We are family run in every phase. We know we are better because we care. We are the only company that specializes in furniture and upholstery cleaning in the area. We are the go to company. Give us a call and I know you won't turn back.

At the end of the day cleaners are really problem solvers. Your furniture isn't as fresh as you would like we can help. Furniture looking dingy we can help. With experience we have seen it all and have fixed issues that other companies have never heard of or seen. We will earn your trust through our quality of work and commitment to service. We want you to like our work so much that you will recommend us to your many friends and acquaintances.
Call today for a free estimate 708-345-0922.

For our contact information click here

For more information about our furniture and upholstery cleaning click here

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Furniture Cleaning on sale get your upholstery cleaned now!

Get your furniture cleaned today! Upholstery cleaning on sale. Save 10% call for details. Dunne Cleaning Specialists has been achieving beautiful results for over 50 years. We are one of the most recommended companies in the western suburbs. We have serviced thousands of customers for multiple generations. We are family owned and operated since 1969.

We are one of the only companies in the western suburbs that specialize in furniture cleaning. We use machines designed for furniture cleaning, not a carpet cleaning machine with an attachment. The soaps we use are also tailored to your fabric. 55 years of experience pleasing our customers coming to your home. Old fashioned quality combines with modern technology.

Call Dunne Cleaning Specialists when you are ready to get your furniture cleaned by the most recommended cleaning company in the western suburbs 708-345-0922. We are here when you need us. Family owned and operated since 1969 by 3 generations of family.


Family Owned & Operated by 3 Generations of Family

Easter is coming get your furniture looking clean and bright!

Easter is coming get your furniture looking clean and bright! Your guests are on the way. How is your furniture looking? Cleaning your furniture annually can help preserve the life of your furniture plus keep it looking its best. Rinsing all the sweat and dirt out will also keep it smelling fresh. Upholstery can start smelling not so fresh and you might not even notice because it happens so gradually but your guests might. Give Dunne Cleaning Specialists a call we can help 866-674-7790.

Giving local helps by hiring local. Nothing is more local than a family owned business. Dunne Cleaning employs 3 generations of family to keep your upholstery looking and smelling its best. We use safe products that clean and deodorize your fine furnishings safely. We tarp off the areas we are cleaning at. We give you the best in cleaning.

Call now to either schedule your furniture cleaning or to schedule your estimate 708-674-7790. We give free in home estimates. We are a no surprises company. We leave you clean, fresh smelling furniture. We have been cleaning furniture for many generations of our customers. We have worked hard for their trust and will never keep working to maintain it.

For our contact info click here.

For more information on our furniture cleaning services click here.

John steaming furn b

Spring sales on furniture cleaning going on now

Spring sales on furniture cleaning going on now. Save 10% on cleaning your furniture. Keep your upholstery looking its best by call Dunne Cleaning Specialists today at 708-345-0922. Dunne Cleaning is one of the most professional cleaning companies in the western suburbs. Highly recommended on Facebook town and mom pages. Our customers feel confidence in recommending us because of our superior customer service and our unmatched quality. You are never a number to us. We are family owned and operated by 3 generations since 1969. The same personal touch that Thomas Dunne Sr gave on day one back in 1969 is still here today over 55 years later.

Most companies don't specialize in furniture cleaning. They snap an attachment onto their carpet cleaning machine and use the same soap that they use for carpeting when they clean your furniture. Carpet and furniture materials are not the same. Companies that don't understand that first risk damage to your furniture and don't deliver the quality that you are paying for. We are highly trained at what we do and how do you know this? Our many satisfied customers who constantly recommend us on social media.

We are very proud of the fact that we spend little to no money on acquiring new customers. Our existing customer base have kept us a steady flow of new customers with their constant referrals. Our family of cleaners deliver quality that you deserve. So
call the number one recommended company in the western suburbs today 708-345-0922.

For our contact info click here.

For more information on our furniture cleaning services click here.

Image2015-02-04 14.51.512015-02-04 14.55.242015-02-04 15.05.24

Time to get your funriture cleaned!

It's time to get your furniture cleaned. Spring cleaning season is almost upon us! Call today for a free estimate 708-345-0922. We spend so much time sitting and laying on our furniture. We usually don't even notice that the color is slowly changing. The odors coming from the sofa fade away as we don't notice them. Not noticing them and there not being there are not the same. Our company that doesn't live there can smell it.

Dunne Cleaning Specialists cleans and rinses upholstery. This cleaning and rinsing gives your fine upholstery a clean fresh smell. Let us assist you in getting your home clean for the your future guests. We take as much pride in our work that you do in your own home.

Dunne Cleaning is family owned and operated by 3 generations since 1969. We are the only company in the area which specializes in furniture cleaning. We have machines and soaps specifically designed for furniture cleaning. We don't just put an attachment on our carpet cleaning machine and use the same soaps.
Call today for a free estimate 708-345-0922.

For contact info click here.

For more information about our upholstery cleaning click here.


Clean your furniture now and save! 15% off sale!

Clean your furniture now and save! 15% off sale! Call now before our best sale of the year ends 708-345-0922. When was the last time you cleaned your furniture? If you can' remember it's time. Dunne Cleaning Specialists is a family run company. We have 3 generations of family working here. We know our experience separates us from the rest. We can say this confidently because we are one of the most recommended companies in the western suburbs of Chicago. Go on any town Facebook page and chances are that we have cleaned for someone who will give us a recommendation. We are proud to say we have earned our reputation.

We are one of the few who specialize in furniture cleaning. We tailor our cleaning to your fabric. We have machines designed just for upholstery cleaning. No employee with 2 weeks of training cleaning your upholstery. Our family members have years of training and experience. Experience counts. We are just a phone call away and give free in home written estimates

For our contact info click here.

For more information on our furniture cleaning services click here.

boys on sofa

3 Generations of Family giving you the valued cleaning you deserve!

Clean your furniture while our post holiday specials are going on!

Clean your furniture while our post holiday specials are going on! Call now and save on upholstery cleaning 708-345-0922. We spend so much time on our furniture, as do out pets, that regular cleaning is very important. If you want your furniture to last you need to clean the dirt and the sweat out of your fine upholstery. When we sit and even lay on our furniture we sweat and this sweat goes into the furniture. This sweat can damage and weaken the fibers. Cleaning this sweat out can help extend the life of your furniture.

We are a 55 year old company. Dunne Cleaning Specialists is family owned and operated by 3 generations of family. We believe in only doing the highest quality of work, while delivering the best in customer service.
Call today for a free in home estimate 708-345-0922.

For more information on our furniture cleaning click here.

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Family Owned and Operated by 3 Generations
"Since 1969"

Furniture Cleaning 15% Off right now!

Furniture cleaning is 15% off right now! Call for a free estimate and details. Dunne Cleaning Specialists offers multiple methods to clean your furniture right. There is no one best method. We try and tailor of processes and soaps for the particular fabric we are cleaning. We also use specialized machines to do the cleaning.

Dunne Cleaning Specialists is 55 years young! We have 3 generations of family working here. We strive to give the best in cleaning and customer service. Dunne Cleaning Specialists is one of the most recommended cleaning companies in the western suburbs of Chicago. We take pride in the fact that our customers have used us for generations and recommend us with confidence on many town pages.

Call today for a free estimate 708-345-0922.

For more information on our upholstery cleaning services click here.


How is your is your furniture looking? Call today and save 15%!

How is your is your furniture looking? We spend more time laying on our furniture than anything at home. If you have pets they are most likely laying right next to you. Over time your furniture takes a different look. Regular cleaning can help restore the look you originally purchased. Your furniture may even have some unpleasant odors going on that you have simply gotten used to. When we lay on our furniture we sweat through our clothes and this sweat attaches itself to our furnitures fabric. Our pets lay on our furniture and they sweat and attach their odors to the fabric.

Getting your furniture cleaned is healthy. Being trapped in your home over the winter in a home and laying on dirty furniture isn't the best way to stay healthy.
Call today for a free estimate 708-345-0922 and save 15%! We test all furniture and figure out the best method for each piece of your furniture.

We have over 55 years of experience we can give you the best job possible. We are also proud to say that we are family owned and operated by 3 generations of family. Your are not just a number to us we will treat you right and respect your home.
Call today 708-345-0922.

For more information about our furniture cleaning services click here.


Christmas is approaching how does your furniture look? How does your upolstery smell?

With company coming how does the furniture your company will be sitting on look? How does the upholstery smell? When was the last time you cleaned your upholstery? We live such busy lives and sometimes forget to take a look around. If you took a look around what would you see? Dunne Cleaning is family owned and operated by 3 generations since 1969. We have developed methods of cleaning for over 50 years. Call us today for a free estimate 708-345-0922.

Most companies just put an attachment on their carpet cleaning attachment. They also use the same soap to clean your furniture and carpeting. We like to specialize in furniture cleaning. We will give your furniture the care it needs. After over 50 years we know what we are doing. We have a number methods to give your furniture the best possible job.

Call today to get a free estimate 708-345-0922.

For more information on our furniture cleaning methods click here.


You don't even know your furniture is dirty!

We spend more time on our furniture than we think. Long day at work, we come home and crash on the sofa. Watch some TV before we go to bed. Over time our furniture changes color. We notice stains and spots but it is hard to notice the subtle changes that occur over time. I would encourage you to put a white towel over a vacuum head and vacuum your furniture and look at the towel when you are finished. You might not like what you are seeing. We can help you with this problem.

Get your furniture cleaned and rinsed safely by a company with over 50 years of experience. Dunne Cleaning Specialists started back in 1969. We are family owned and operated. We will do the ob right the first time.
Call today for a free estimate.

For more information about our Furniture cleaning services click here.

Save 15% on Furniture Cleaning in January

Save 15% on furniture cleaning in the month of January with Dunne Cleaning Specialists. We are celebrating our 50th year in business this year! We are so proud to be serving the western suburbs of Chicago since 1969. We provide the best service in the Chicagoland area. Furniture has many different fabrics so cleaning of furniture isn't necessarily a one size fits all. Dunne Cleaning can use a number of different methods to clean your fabric. Our furniture is cleaned with machines designed for furniture cleaning. We don't use the same machine and solutions for cleaning your furniture as your carpeting. We are one of the few who specialize in furniture cleaning.

With over 50 years of experience cleaning furniture we are the right choice for your cleaning needs.
Call today to schedule.

For more information on our furniture cleaning process click here.

Want us to call you. Click here.

Christmas is almost here is your furniture clean?

Christmas is right around the corner and how clean is your furniture? When was the last time you cleaned your furniture? We can get you all cleaned up and dried up and ready to go just call now. We clean upholstery and we give the best results possible. With company coming over and your furniture not looking its best we can help. Your furniture might even smell. You sit on your furniture and sweat thru your clothes. This sweat over time can cause your furniture to smell. A good cleaning can elevate this.

We have been in the cleaning industry for almost 50 years now. We have seen it all by now. Your issues won't surprise us. We give free in home estimates. We work 6 days a week - so yes we do Saturdays. We use many methods of cleaning and taylor the method to your type of fabric. With over 47 years of experience why call anyone else?

For more information on our furniture cleaning services click here.


Holidays are fast approaching time to clean your upholstery

It's November so its time to get ready for the holidays. How does your upholstery looking? How is your favorite spot to sit and watch television look? Sofa looking its best? How many spills are there on your sofa. How does it smell after a year or 2 full of naps? We can help with all these things. A sofa will smell fresh and clean after we go to work on it. You should clean your upholstery annually. When guest are arriving do you want them to smell your furniture before they see it? Call today we can help.

Dunne Cleaning Specialists has ben around for over 47 years and we believe in quality cleaning. If you want your furniture cleaned, not just wet down then call us. We will give you the best job possible. Our experienced and well trained crews will deliver superior work everytime. If your not satisfied just call and we will come back and reclean the areas or the entire piece if necessary at no charge.

For more information click here.

2015-02-04 14.55.242015-02-04 15.05.24

When was the last time you cleaning your upholstery?

We spend a lot of our time laying on our upholstery. We work all day then plop down on the sofa in front of the tv. We take naps on the sofa or our favorite chair. When was the last time you cleaned your sofa? Rinsing out the fabric is a very healthy thing to do. Annual cleaning of the family room furniture could improve the health of your home. Give us a call today and schedule your free in home estimate. We will come out and look at your furniture. Cleaning is healthy call today.

For more information about furniture cleaning click here.

elmhurst upholstery cleaning

Stuck in the house sitting on dirty furniture? Clean now and save!

Your probably sitting on dirty furniture. When was the last time you had your furniture cleaned? If you haven't its time. If you can't remember its time. Family room furniture should be cleaned once a year. You get dust and sweat on your furniture overtime you sit on it. The furniture probably isn't even the same color it was when it was delivered and you don't even know it because the change happened so slowly over time.

Take your vacuum hose put a white towel on it and vacuum your furniture. How does the town look? Not good eh?
Give us a call, and we can clean and rinse your dirty furniture. Why sit on dirty furniture when you can get it cleaned - how healthy is sitting on dirty furniture? We can help you out, call Dunne Cleaning Specialists today for a free estimate. Family owned and operated since 1969.

For more information abut upholstery cleaning click here.

2015-02-04 14.51.512015-02-04 14.55.242015-02-04 15.05.24

Winter savings on the Upholstery you sit on! Clean Now and Save

We spend most of our time at home sitting and laying on our upholstery. Our whole body is touching the upholstery. When was the last time you cleaned your upholstery? Upholstery should be cleaned once a year, if you clean nothing at least clean the furniture you sit in, in front of your television. One of the things I always do is wrap a white towel around a vacuum and vacuum the furniture. If the white towel becomes visibly dirty you should think about cleaning the furniture. Remember that you are sitting in your own sweat and dirt that rubs off you and your clothes and onto the furniture. Clean for health as well as appearance. Sometimes the furniture doesn't look visibly dirty but it is because you don't notice because it has changed color slowly over time and you just didn't notice it. So if you can't remember call today for a free cleaning estimate.

For More information about upholstery cleaning click here.

2015-02-04 14.55.242015-02-04 15.05.24

Better late than never - clean your furniture its flu season

Better late than never. Call today for an appointment to clean your upholstered furniture. Furniture is a fabric, fabrics need to be cleaned. We are in the middle of flu season. Family members and friends sneezing all over your home. Laying there on your sofa watching tv. Might be a good time to clean your furniture. Disinfect your home because this year was an especially bad year for the flu. Cleaning and rinsing your furniture can help.

We use heated water and solutions that clean and rinse the fabric. This can keep your home healthier. Sick days are never fun. Who can afford them anyway, so best to avoid them. Step one is making sure you have a clean home. Clean your furniture, vacuuming your furniture is not the same as cleaning and rinsing your furniture.

Call today for a free estimate from Dunne Cleaning Specialists. Do you want us to contact you click here.

For more information about furniture cleaning click here.

A healthy home is a happy home
boys on sofa

Dunne Cleaning Specialists
Family owned and operated since 1969

Vacuum your clothes and where them? You do it with your furniture all the time. Seem Healthy?

Too many people never clean their furniture. This is something I can never figure out. While I know the furniture doesn’t show the dirt as readily as carpeting or rugs but we have more contact with the furniture. We nap on the furniture. We lay on the furniture for hours, days, and yes years. We sweat on the furniture. Spill on the furniture.

Then we vacuum the furniture. Would you just vacuum your clothes? How comfortable would you feel with vacuuming your clothes and wearing them again? I sure wouldn’t how about you? You are probably doing it now. Call today for a free estimate. You should be cleaning your furniture on an annual basis. Sounds a lot healthier than never doesn’t it?

Dunne Cleaning has been in the cleaning industry for almost half a century, since 1969. Let us assist you in having not just a beautiful home but the healthiest home we can give you.
Call today.

For more information about our upholstery cleaning services click here.

Want us to call you click here.

boys on sofa

Make Sure You Maintain Your Upolstery

Maintaining your upholstery is very important. Upholstery should be maintained on a regular basis. You sit in front of your TV after you have come home from work. You sweat during the day and this sweat is in your clothes. This sweat is then transferred onto your upholstery. You change your sheets on a regular basis. Do you clean your upholstery? How comfortable would you be with sleeping on the same sheets for a month let alone 2 years or longer? That is what you are doing with your upholstery. So clean your upholstery on a regular basis and stay clean. Clean is healthy.

Call Dunne Cleaning today to get your upholstery cleaned.

Click here for more information about upholstery cleaning.

Click here for our phone Contact information. Want us to contact you click here.

What is Lurking In Your Upholstery?

boys on sofa

Call Today For Your Cleaning.

How fresh does your Upholstery smell?

When was the last time you cleaned your upholstery. That sofa you sit on and watch television, how fresh is it? You work all day and then sit down in your favorite spot. Your cloths have sweat on them. The sweat transfers to the sofa or chair. After a time your furniture isn’t so fresh anymore. The holidays are fast approaching don’t you want your furniture to be at it’s best and smell great. You might not be able to smell your furniture but your guests will.

Upholstery should be cleaned every year and at least every 24 months according to manufacturers. We have more contact with our furniture than we have with our rugs and carpeting. Yet most people never clean their upholstery, ever. Upholstery can become dingy and wear out prematurely without proper maintenance. Get your furniture cleaned professionally every 12 to 24 months.

Choose Dunne Cleaning Specialists for all your cleaning needs.
Contact us at 866-674-7790. Want us to contact you? Click here.

For more information on upholstery cleaning click here.

Clean for Health - Clean for those most important to you.

boys on sofa

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